I am not a love song devotee. Hip Hop resides in majority of the real estate in my heart. Either way, I...
I recently did an interview with the Daily Nation. If you missed it, here is the link – BY THE BOOK: Philip...
Fame is not just fickle, it’s feeble. As you might be aware by now, I am a huge Hip Hop fan. I...
A close friend is just an enemy in the closet. So I’ve been keenly following the story of Nick Mutuma being accused...
Yesterday, one of my loyal readers sent me a link to an article that had been published on Daily Nation. I asked...
I started this blog exactly a year ago. I must say it’s been one hell of a ride. The last 365 days...
Akothee can be lauded for a couple of things such as her sense of style and the lack of cellulite or Michellin tyres...
Music may very well be the food of love, but it’s also—more deliciously—the food of loving. Because I know my readers have...
I know I created a social media storm yesterday by writing one of the greatest diss articles of all time but that is...