Dating And Seduction

A Perfect Lie To Use When A Girl Asks You To Loan Her Money

Women love to borrow money. There are only a few exceptional ones out there who don’t. (God bless them) The majority enjoy extracting thousands/hundreds of shillings from men. There is a woman will ask you straight out to give her a certain amount then there is the one who will tell you something like “I am in a tight spot. Nikopeshe 2k nitakulipa next week.” The latter might appear more responsible but she actually isn’t. She is unlikely to pay you back.

They say when you lend a friend money, you will lose both the money and the friend. The same applies to lending women money. You will lose both the woman and the money. Women rarely pay back. (I’m talking about women in your sexual life. Pure platonic business situations might be different. ) Even worse, it’s hard to keep asking a woman for your money. If it’s your male friend, you can simply say “Johnny nipee ile pesa yangu bana. Niko pabaya.”  But when you are dealing with a lady, the situation becomes more tricky.

Interestingly, most women actually expect you to ‘let is slide.’ They believe that as a man, you should be okay with them not paying back. If you ask for your money, they will see you stingy. As a result, whatever bond you had with them disintegrates without you getting your money back.

Now you’ve probably been advised by some people to just say ‘NO’ when a lady borrows you money. You’ve been told that you should reject a girl’s loan application because she definitely wont pay you back. That’s a bold way to handle the situation but it’s also not a wise way to handle the situation. If you just say ‘NO’, the girl’s attraction towards you will be frozen out. It’s highly improbable that you will deny her some chums and she’ll still be attracted to you.  It’s not gonna happen.  She’ll be mad. You will stay with your money but you will also stay with your dry spell. I am pretty sure that’s not what you want.

The best way to respond when a chick asks for a loan is to lie to her. Tell her you recently loaned some guy a lot of money and he hasn’t refunded yet. Even go ahead and pretend to be angry at that non-existent person.

When you handle the situation this way, she will understand. She wont’ get angry at you or see you as stingy. She’ll believe that if you had the money, you would have lent it to her (if only she knew). She wont hate you. Your blissful association with her will remain uncorrupted. She might even sympathize with you. If you act fast, you will even get to smash her a few times before you can finally start avoiding her for being the money-hungry type.

In the end, you remain the winner. Your pockets will stay healthy and your desires shall still be quenched without you having to drop beaucoup bucks.  And in case she asks again after a few days, tell her the guy who owed you still hasn’t paid back. She will find another way to get the money and the two of you shall remain in good terms. It’s as simple as that. Don’t say no, just lie in order to avoid giving her the money. If you are intelligent, you can play a woman’s heart like a harp… without having to buy her off.

Money-hungry women exist, especially in feverishly status conscious enclaves, and it’s in your interest as a man to smoke them out early and take advantage of them before they have a chance to take advantage of you. Once you get good at fooling them, you can corral them into loving sexual relationships without without getting pussy-taxed every time.

Keep your money without losing the girl.

About Philip Etemesi

I am the Sheriff in this town. Writing is my joie de vivre. I'm a Superman, thanks to God. Need to reach out to me? Send an email via I always respond.
1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Gy

    at 3:17 pm

    If she asks for money. Usimkatishe tamaa.
    List your problems, ataelewa.
    Mwambie pia natoka kutuma pesa hom sasa hivi. Mama ni mgonjwa right now, amelazwa.

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